
Results 13 issues of Vincent

**Check List** - [x] Tests has been run in packages where changes made if available - [x] Linter has been run for changed code - [ ] Tests for the...


for reference I've used your source, and updated to last versions, sharing here for anyone looking for it. N.B. I have no idea what I'm doing but it works for...

Add a prop to be able to pass options to the provider sdk initialization example with google provider: ```javascript ```

I just needed to get rid of `deasync` dependency also remove unused phantomjs dependency

The real use case for me would be to contribute sources for the publish metrics plugin. But I think more generally doing so would allow for a better process over...


### Cache status header You can now opt-in to get a cache status header in the response Use `res.express_redis_cache_status=true|false` - default to false The response will include the header `redis-cache-status=Hit|Miss`

I'm up to help to get out a new version of this library, the last commit was 3 years ago and still some people using this library, my thought is...

to help kicking off @krazyjakee 🙏🏻

And update the cache-control header to handle the response status code