
Results 80 comments of Rodrigue

> ❓ I left a comment regarding a failing test. Would be nice to check if it's related to this PR. Maybe a rebase? Thanks, @puntope. I have tried rebasing,...

Thanks, @jorgeatorres, @jconroy could you please merge for me? It seems I don't have the authorization to merge. Thanks :-)

@ecgan i added the icon because i didn't want to affect existing usage. I agree we should only have one facebook.svg. > I can work on changing this, together with...

Based on hazsari comments. I am closing this.

Hi @rashedripon, Thanks for creating the issue. > Not sure if Retailer ID is expected in the product sets. Yes, this is expected behavior. A product set is simply a...

Thanks for contributing. The issue is addressed by #2254, so I will close this PR

Hi @ricardoaraujo330, Thanks for reaching out. > First of all, if I filter the list of products by "sync and hide", the list shows all "sync and hide" + "do...

Closing this as stale.

Hello, Any chance you could give us more info on how to reproduce? I have set the inventory qty to 0 for one of my test products, and It correctly...