I like that idea. I might be looking into it if I find some time. The easiest way of implementing it is to use `--capture-movie SECONDS` which should work for...
I wouldn't try to reinvent the wheel but use an existing I18N framework instead. This might be a good read: https://medium.com/best-of-i18n/the-best-javascript-i18n-libraries-657f9fd2124a
@andi34 Not really. I spent some thoughts on it, though. Let me share these thoughts ;) * First of all, I do not know the reasons for offering that many...
I'm not a JS expert but it appears you can't load another JS like that. Maybe change the `lang/.js` to `json` files and programmatically load them. It should be easy...
@andi34 See #179 for a very easy (potential) solution to this problem.
How much effort would it be to change the UI-flow as follows: 1. Take picture 2. Display the picture (file saved automatically) 3. Allow users to apply a filter 4....
@andi34 Appears to be much easier than expected... This is the result with only a few lines of code changed. The missing 20% might be the hardest part, though... ...
Looking forward to this restructuring as this will also allow to introduce a proper config class/object with getters/and setters for retrieving the properties properly, also allowing to fall back to...
The interesting thing is that I can find the mentioned resource in the `oc_calendarobjects` table: ``` select * from oc_calendarobjects where uri = 'B00B2217-4339-457B-9843-72F0492B1DD2.ics'; ```
Any ideas how I can save/fix my calendar(s) or how to further troubleshoot this? When I try to download the calendar, the following error is thrown: ``` "Message": "Trying to...