Results 5 comments of RAVI SINGH

I installed caffe-cuda with command ``` apt-get install caffe-cuda ``` I was not able to install caffe by compilation. can you help me to install caffe by compilation in colab...

lower down the confidence. It worked for me. Also remove predict function in grad-cam, instead of self.net.predict([inputs]) use self.net([inputs]). It will work. My detectron version is 2-0.3 and torch is...

Please Check the pull request. I have added the tutorial

over here directly add path file. Do this `cfg.MODEL.WEIGHTS = "https://hangzh.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/encoding/models/resnest200_detectron-02644020.pth" ` instead of ` cfg.MODEL.WEIGHTS = model_zoo.get_checkpoint_url("COCO-Detection/faster_cascade_rcnn_ResNeSt_50_FPN_syncbn_range-scale-1x.yaml") `

Open this file aster_cascade_rcnn_ResNeSt_50_FPN_syncbn_range-scale-1x.yaml. copy path of weights file add paste it directly