Our current version of Python 3.10.0. Hence i changed some requirement.txt and updated accordingly. We will post if we find any issues.. dvc==2.8.3 joblib==1.0.1 jupyter==1.0.0 jupyter_contrib_nbextensions==0.5.1 matplotlib==3.6.1 numpy==1.23.4 pandas==1.5.1 pytest==6.2.4...
Installing collected packages: webencodings, wcwidth, voluptuous, text-unidecode, Send2Trash, pywin32, pytz, python-fsutil, pygtrie, pyasn1, pure-eval, ply, pickleshare, phonenumbers, nanotime, mistune, mailchecker, jupyter-highlight-selected-word, ipython-genutils, iniconfig, funcy, fastjsonschema, exe cuting, dictdiffer, commonmark, backcall,...
After i could deploy all required modules and trying to run the "[step-1-organize-ml-project.ipynb](http://localhost:8888/notebooks/notebooks/step-1-organize-ml-project.ipynb)" and it through the following message import itertools import joblib import json import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import...