@jdef Is there a recommendation for running redundant k8sm controller manager's in HA setup similar to scheduler: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/contrib/mesos/docs/ha.md
@jdef k8s kubelet sets up the volume mounts in a directory configured by --root-dir flag and bind mounts them on to docker containers. kubelet also runs Kubelet.cleanupOrphanedVolumes() in sync loop...
@jdef http://kubernetes.io/docs/admin/garbage-collection/ currently, i'm looking to override these in kubelet launched by the k8sm executor: --image-gc-high-threshold=70 --image-gc-low-threshold=50 --maximum-dead-containers=30
@jdef Observed in kubernetes v1.0.3 release. why is the default kubelet executor's suicide timeout so large (20 minutes) ? kubelet executor seem to commit suicide after some period of "inactivity":...
https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/html/7.2_Release_Notes/technology-preview-file_systems.html says that xfs file systems must be created with the -n ftype=1 option enabled for use as an overlay. Also, dockerd seems to have a check for this as...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** yes. https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/pull/3773 introduced garbage collecting certificateRequest resources. But, the default revisionHistoryLimit is nil, which means revisions will be not be...
In clusters running multiple apiservers for HA, doing a rolling upgrade from 1.x.y to 1.x+1.y of apiservers one at a time, currently results in client-go clients failing due to api...