
Results 13 comments of ravilr

I guess the logic to support fallback certificate feature in Ingress resource wouldn't be that different from HTTPProxy. If ingressResource.Spec.TLS is not set and an fallback annotation is set, add...

yes, this is an issue in EKS setups where the pod network is configured to use custom CNI in overlay mode (could be Calico overlay, Cilium overlay, etc..) that gives...

Also, just to add for any future onlookers, https://github.com/crossplane/crossplane/issues/5521 isn't the same as this issue. In https://github.com/crossplane/crossplane/issues/5521, the error manifests as a timeout error `failed to call webhook: Post "https://crossplane-webhooks.crossplane-system.svc:9443/validate-apiextensions-crossplane-io-v1-composition?timeout=10s":...