Rafael Villarreal
Rafael Villarreal
I'm trying to see the all the requests from an android application using SSL Unpinning. Every request works fine until the app does an email verification opening a webview page....
When setting the `donutWidth` parameter to the value 30 the actual stroke-width of the donut is not 30px. Causing the donut expand out of the container div This happens only...
Add https support with certbot in this cookiecutter for production and dev environments. See this link: https://medium.com/@pentacent/nginx-and-lets-encrypt-with-docker-in-less-than-5-minutes-b4b8a60d3a71
In the `process_request` function the proxy is passed to the request only if has an `proxy_user_pass`, otherwise only print that the proxy is beign used and which are left. That...
How to add unread messages notifications? This currently only supports connecting to a single channel, but how to implement multiple chats receiving messages?
The android modded apk's have the Marketplace available for equip everything, can the same be achieved through this method?