
Results 9 issues of ravi

Version: version: '2.1' command to bring up the containers: docker-compose -f docker-compose-CeleryExecutor.yml up -d Things are working fine till here. I am able to see the flower UI, DAG, run...

This is what i did 1. checkout the git repo (from master) 2. run the command: docker build -t rc/graphite-grafana . once the image is done, i changed the docker-compose.json...

Hi, Below code is copy pasted from the test cases of this project. Either the consumer is attached to kafka as `subscriber` or `assigned` (in both cases `auto.offset.reset` is set...

Hi, I have subscribed to a topic. I would like to receive a message within the next 2 sec or else I want to timeout. I am unable to find...

Hi, I am new to kafka on rust. I used `kafka-consumer-groups.sh` command and discovered for the group id `gp` the offsets for all partitions are above `100`. Now, using `rdkafka`...

I am trying to use rust-rdkafka into my project. I added the following dependency to my `cargo.toml` ``` [package] name = "rust_fair_scheduler" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2021" # See...

**Describe the bug** I went through the examples but I was unable to figure out how to simulate `kubectrl -f apply abc.yaml` I am using spark operator. The yaml is...


Hi, If it were to use java i would use `seekToEnd` and then get the offset --to know the offset of the last message. how do i get the same...

Issue: 1. I created a lazy-static ref, initialized it, and printed it. It prints well --called in main thread 2. The same lazy-static ref when called from another struct from...