Zach Rausnitz

Results 8 comments of Zach Rausnitz

It looks like `ModelAlias` may only work in the context of a join. ``` final class AliasExample: ModelAlias { static let name = "alias_examples" let model = DemoUser() } ```...

Another thing to consider is adding helpful details to this message: ``` fatalError("Cannot access field before it is initialized or fetched: \(self.key)") ``` One idea would be to compute the...

> @rausnitz Ooof, you're right, `ModelAlias` can't be used that way yet. I'll add some APIs for it as soon as I get a chance 😰. If you know what...

@finestructure Thanks for reporting this. I have been struggling with a similar issue, seeing error `PSQLError(backing: PostgresNIO.PSQLError.(unknown context at $_________).Backing)` for various database-generated errors. Pinning to 2.6.2 looks like it'll...

>Pinning to 2.6.2 looks like it'll work for me as a short-term fix too. Also had to do this, actually: ``` .package(url: "", .exact("2.10.1")), ```

@fabianfett Yeah, I don't love tying this to `SocketAddress` here either, though it's nice as a shortcut in our particular project. I stil wonder about the rest of it: Does...

> If you implement a `PostgresINET` type that represents what the Postgres inet type does without depending on NIO, I'll be happy to merge that PR. Does that make sense?...

I made a fork that only depends on Vapor and therefore avoids the aforementioned dependency problems. The fork only provides the S3 signer functionality, but if that's all you need,...