Raul-Sebastian Mihăilă

Results 26 comments of Raul-Sebastian Mihăilă

I would also like to see and work on v2. The one big thing that I think is missing in v1 is indeed more complex forms with validations. I was...

> The very easy work-around is to just use CSS to control visibility, however - the problem I've been trying to describe is a bit trickier in that regard, since...

Without wanting to derail the discussion too much, I'd like to point out that there's a more fundamental problem than whether or not the override behavior is a mistake or...

Not only is the proposed change a breaking change but it is also counter-intuitive. `then` in my mind means 'in a future tick' so the function shouldn't be called synchronously.

> @raulsebastianmihaila As far as I understand, with this change the function called to then is still called asynchronously. The difference is only that `.then` itself is called synchronously (i.e....

> That's not the contract of thenable. I'm not necessarily arguing what the contract of 'thenable' is, as I'm not certain what that means. If it is what's specified at...

> You're unfortunately comparing snippets with two very different behaviors I think you're mischaracterizing my example. I don't understand why you introduced a getter as my examples didn't include one....

> Note that you can call the then method synchronously, so there's already not a guarantee that then is invoked asynchronously. The mechanics of promises can't call the `then` method...

Yes, and my point is that fortunately you don't have to care about that because the promises behavior is consistent with regard to how it handles userland code.

> My claim is that as a consumer you don't have to care about it either way. This part is not very clear to me because it does make changes...