I've run into this as well, I wonder if this is more of a feature request to have planner export the subtask details alongside the sub tasks, or something similar...
same issue here, this doesnt seem to be related to LunarVim specifically, since the same error appears if trying to instal other nvim distros
which version did you use? I had 0.10.0 then I reinstalled and switched to 0.9.5 and the issue solved
Hola chepe!! jaja la verdad tambien habia olvidado que hice el commit, me frustre un poco por que no encontre como hacer el diagrama para poder adjuntarlo a la contribucion,...
claro, recuperari mi contrasena de discord para comunicarnos por ahi, de mientras aqui adjunto el diagrama (espero no este tan mal l original lo hice en un nano, pero el...