Alex Rattray

Results 269 comments of Alex Rattray

@thorn0 fixed! Also cleaned up a few related things. Thanks for the feedback!

@vjeux @thorn0 curious for your input on one tradeoff we have to make in the context of medium-length single ternaries in an assignment. ## Choice 1: allow all-on-one-line (but always...

@connorjs You can [try it out in the playground](, here's what you pasted with tabwidth of 4: ```js const andIndented = isLoudReallyReallyReallyReallyLoud() ? makeNoiseReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyLoudly.omgSoLoud() : silent(); ```

@sosukesuzuki yes, an experimental flag makes sense. Since we should probably have all maintainers try any experimental syntax to maximize the opportunity for dogfooding, maybe we should merge this PR...

This now moves the implementation behind an `--experimental-ternaries` flag. You may want to look at individual commits to get an easier sense of how this affects behavior. Note that I...

For others blocked on this, [this analysis]( finds that [`@dqbd/tiktoken`]( – a WASM build of OpenAI's official Rust tiktoken – works well.

You can install it today with `npm install [email protected]`! We can't say for sure when the GA will be available, but the beta is looking pretty stable. To directly address...

Also hitting this. We have this in our root `package.json` under `"devDependencies"`: ``` "eslint-plugin-stainless": "link:./lib/eslint-plugin-stainless", ``` and the contents of `./lib/eslint-plugin-stainless/package.json` is as follows: ``` { "name": "eslint-plugin-stainless", "version": "1.0.0",...

For folks interested in more color on Express v5's async/await handling, @jonchurch wrote up a nice description here: Thanks @jonchurch !!

You may encounter `ETIMEDOUT` if there is a problem connecting from your computer to OpenAI's servers, perhaps because it is blocked somewhere along the chain, or due to networking issues....