@oloESK Do you mean the release from here? https://github.com/mbeddr/mbeddr.formal/releases/tag/snapshot%2Fv2022_01_09
can you share with me the idea.log file? fasten-2022-01-09\caches\.FASTEN_2022-01-09_1.0-SNAPSHOT\system\log\idea.log
Please delete the last line from C:\temp\fasten-2022-01-09\bin\mps64.exe.vmoptions (i.e. the one which sets the jacocoagent) and try again ...
Thank you for reporting this! I have uploaded a new version of the release which contains this fix. Can you reproduce these freezes? Do they happen on a certain model?...
The new version is here: https://github.com/mbeddr/mbeddr.formal/releases/tag/snapshot%2Fv2022_01_09 (the new zip has a name ending in "_v2") The log contains an exception in the underlying library we use - will take time...
you need to configure gradle.properties as described in the readme.md - https://github.com/mbeddr/mbeddr.formal/blob/master/README.md you also need to set in gradle.properties the following two variables (defined also in gradle.properties.example) github_username= github_token=