Aymeric Rateau
Aymeric Rateau
Thanks for your answer :) To correct my intention ; the data blocks I want to read are consecutive records/rows, typically like [record1, record2, record3] with record=[channel1:u8, channel2:u64, channel3:f64]. And...
Thanks. I changed my approach by having Vec basically for all columnar data (1D arrays), including complex which I then convert into Arrow PrimitiveArray, FixedSizeListArray (for complex), Utf8Array (for Strings),...
While trying to use MutableArray, I am facing issues with missing traits implementation, mainly for MutableFixedSizeListArray with PartialEq and Default. I am using it to store Vec with MutableFixedSizeListArray. PartialEq...
Hi Sorry for the delayed answer. I am not sure if I am comfortable enough to implement Default and PartialEq but I can try. I am still at learning phase...
Hi, sorry for the delay, I was in vacation. You are trying to read an unsorted file version 3.x.. I must admit it is not greatly tested. Thanks for sharing...
For the warning, it says mdfreader has difficulties to read the CG block xml metadata, not to worry too much. Regarding your data uint16 in CANape, it is normal it...
Hi, What parameters do you use to read your file ? Do you use convert_after_read = False ? If yes, can you try to put at the beginning of export_to_matlab()...
Hi, You seem to be using a special structure, probably never encountered or thought of. Channel Array block or compositions applications can be complicated. But just the traceback is not...
Thanks for the proposal, indeed could be useful. I will see if I have time for that. Is it a blocking point in your usage ?
Hi, A comment block is an xml that should follow a schema. If it is malformed, a warning is thrown. You might see this issue as well in MDFValidator if...