Funny you made this issue, because after playing with themes in ImprovedTube (testing)3.949 YT keeps reverting to Dark mode for me no matter what. It stops doing it if I...
in ImprovedTube (testing)3.949 setting any theme at all and switching back to default leaves this in config: `"theme":"default",` and this somehow forces YT to go into dark mode. Exporting settings,...
its not YT ``` ImprovedTube.themes = function () { this.myColors(); if (this.schedule() === true && this.isset(this.storage.theme)) { .... PREF.f6 = '400'; } else if (PREF.f6.length === 3) { PREF.f6 =...
edited my earlier post
YT switching to dark mode is a bug in ImprovedTube, so no, your post is not a feature request :) you spotted a bug, I managed to find the source...
probably >Navigate to chrome://flags and enable the #darken-websites-checkbox-in-theme-setting that was the first thing I stumbled upon when researching why my YT went dark before narrowing it down to ImprovedTube bug
I use something similar to what [allanlaal](https://github.com/allanlaal) posted. Fragment from my userscript: ``` document.addEventListener('DOMSubtreeModified', function (e){ ..... if (event.target.tagName && (event.target.tagName == 'YT-HORIZONTAL-LIST-RENDERER' || event.target.tagName == 'YTD-SECTION-LIST-RENDERER' || event.target.tagName ==...
This isnt done, I think its just closed so all discussions happen in https://github.com/code-charity/youtube/issues/1701. Dont know why since this is the earlier lower number issue.
There is no "close as duplicate" option available to pick. Maybe its configurable somewheer in github.