
Results 6 comments of raspime

Thanks for this hint. I could not find such in documentation. Did I miss something? Where do I have to look for? Or simply just in work? Ooops - sorry....

I now did use these patterns. And the field shows (and only accepts) the correct format as input according to the pattern provided. But the validation still checks for US...

Hmmmm. I tried again but still the same. I am using this field definition: ``` Form::Date ("Geburtsdatum:", "gebdat", array("required" => 1, "shortDesc" => "Bitte das Eingabeformat beachten.", "pattern" => "\d{2}.\d{2}.\d{4}",...

Ooops - now you were quicker than me... Unfortunately it does not look that chrome is the only one. Using a text field input was my first thought too. But...

I now also was trying your recommendation to change field to text. This way the validation works fine - but as said I am now missing the browser's assistance tools....

OK I made up my mind and also tested your changes. - I am using the new element Date where you are using date input and also validating "date" instead...