Results 11 issues of Nuno

It would be great if gotop supported displaying a history graph for disk io as the current widget shows only live R/s. This graph would be quite useful on machines...

Currently it is impossible to select multiple items in the library panel. Could you please add the necessary functionality? It would be nice to be able to add multiple items...


I've created a few bash scripts that transform data from APIs and upload it to InfluxDB, I thought adding them here could be useful as an example on how to...

In my opinion the current behaviour doesn't make much sense since depending on the type of the book, the progress percentage and page count have a precision mismatch. Also I...

Containerizing intermodal makes it easier to use without installing it. The docker image can be hosted on and its build automated via github action: The container can then...

Hi, It would be nice to have the disks temperatures added to the temp widget. Do you think it is possible to gather the data from s.m.a.r.t. or hddtemp perhaps?...


Containerizing kepubify makes it easier to use without installing it.

Hi, I just noticed a typo in the env file: _JAVA_AWT_WM_NOREPARENTING=1 should be: _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING=1

The alpine based php docker image results in a 5x reduction in image size when compared with the debian one (~125MB vs ~540MB)