@jarednova Site was built with I just upgraded to the latest version and same issue. Actually nm just saw that was the latest version.. so ya... thoughts on how...
When is this supposed to run? add_filter( 'pods_meta_handler_get', '__return_false' ); I've just spend 3 hour trying to get to the bottom of this and it seems that pods->run functions which...
@JoryHogeveen would appreciate a quick response... this is a blocker for looming deadline thank you
@JoryHogeveen I'm absolutely not trying to be demanding here by any means, just would love to hear from you if you're around.
Also tried the pods_no_conflict_on but it seems to be ignored... I see that polylang query is added to the join statement by pods. ``` pods_no_conflict_on( 'taxonomy' ); $catalogs = get_term_meta(2520,'catalogs');...
Not yet, don't have any experience with yo atm
+1 for clipboard as well some basic features that sublime has taken care of over the years but are essential to proper macro building
Also what I'm seeing is that the regular cmd line scan that I run generates around 2500 lines of code vs 50,000 when I do have atom generate it...
Same issue here :( can't use this with AIrplay speakers
+1 for this... dealing with same issues...