Hi, I'm using BrowserFS via 'the emularity' for an old DOSBox+Win3.1 game called Stars! My port to the browser fails with DOSBox throwing an error saying 'file creation failed', and...
Hi, The 'em-dosbox' project doesn't look like it uses NodeJS file streams, but I still have one very specific failure when running my game under it that happens only on...
Hi, yes, I just updated the repo: https://github.com/stars-4x/stars-browser To replicate the error: 1. Clone the project above 2. Open `stars.html` in a browser, wait for it to load 3. Use...
Stars! runs just fine in normal DOSBox, which you can see with this bundle from the Stars! community: https://github.com/stars-4x/starsbox/releases I'm not sure it matters, but I'm using the `em-dosbox-svn-sdl2` branch...
Thanks! It works!
My motivation for using NanoVG was the GLES 2 support and I'm trying to avoid having to use more than one API (e.g. GL 1.x, 2.x, GLES 2.x, nanovg, etc.)...
This bug seems to be gone - I have been playing with Windows and Linux users (hosting on Linux) for a month or so now and no issues.
I ran into this bug, too, and found it goes away if you do a 2nd reload. Seems to happen with any saved game. Our case kept giving the user...
@jcotton42 Yes. Reload the same game twice (and hope no one drops...)
Hi, I have been quite busy but hope to get to this soon.