Jonas Rapp

Results 74 issues of Jonas Rapp

Groups are great! Only sorting by only alphabetic is no use... No? Hide the `PropertyGrid.ToolbarVisible` ! ![image]( --- - Deployment: Online - DB Version: 9.2.22044.142 - Connection Controls Version: 1.2022.5.50...

Call the names of the Groups in the settings like this: ``` 1. Global 2. Entities 3. Option Sets 4. Actions 8. Meta 9. Debug ``` Now everything starts with...

We talked about this, and *IF* you want to…. Check this code + designer how to get and select the solution: Looks like this: ![image]( This is getting the...

Early Bound Generator

You have to manually type the solution file name. Setting the `FileMustExist` property (or something like that) on the FileOpenDialog to `False` should solve that.

VS Solution Accelerator

I enter a namespace, navigate forward, go back, and what I entered is forgotten.

VS Solution Accelerator

These help links for the Plugin Registration task give 404. ![image](

Running an import, and in one of the environments the import fails with: ``` at System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.PartitionerForEachWorker[TSource,TLocal](Partitioner`1 source, ParallelOptions parallelOptions, Action`1 simpleBody, Action`2 bodyWithState, Action`3 bodyWithStateAndIndex, Func`4 bodyWithStateAndLocal, Func`5 bodyWithEverything, Func`1...

I guess the "Raw result" is no more possible, as they all response an `EntityCollection` now. Either change Raw result if possible, or add a warning about deprecated, or simply...

Is it possible to replace plain strings with the constants from the Latebound Constants Generator output?


OData / Flow ➡ FetchXML. Get query: 1. Paste full OData query 2. Paste one/several parts from Flow Dataverse List rows parameter items Create FetchXML from this. Like the same...