Raphael Couto

Results 12 comments of Raphael Couto

It would be very interesting

HI @joe-elliott , I work with @arielmoraes . Yes, we are using Tempo version 1.5.0 (Helm chart version 0.26.8) The config (after helm apply): ```yaml compactor: compaction: block_retention: 168h ring:...

The files at /var/tempo/wal: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/815086/197267488-0ded2de1-607d-4875-b376-67af7fc4e77c.png)

I agree with @arielmoraes: I think it is related to the size of the snappy file (block) I've changed the parameter "max_block_bytes" (ingester) to 256Mb (1/4 of default value: 1G)....

I've the same problem here using the latest version (2.9.0): ```Unable to locate valid bom ref for rebus [6.0.0, 7.0.0) referenced by (Name: Rebus.RabbitMq Version: 7.4.3)``` Checking Rebus.RabbitMq on nuget...

Checking my project, dependencies: ``` Solution -> MyProjectA -> MyInternalLib (nuget) -> Rebus.Microsoft.Extensions.Logging (3.0.0) -> Rebus (=> 6.0.0) -> Rebus.OpenTelemetry (0.0.4) -> Rebus (=> 6.4.1) -> Rebus.Diagnostics (0.0.4) -> Rebus...

Running CycloneDX locally, the error occurs because this line: https://github.com/CycloneDX/cyclonedx-dotnet/blob/8a6ad3dcc5a8b63dc51d8f13eec89c27e661f823/CycloneDX/Program.cs#L319-L320 In my case, packageNameMatch finds 2 packages: Rebus 6.6.5 and Rebus 7.0.0. Error occurs. We know this is an error...

> .... > Another error seems to happen, if a package is a dependency (also transitive) with two not overlapping version ranges. The problem is, CycloneDX runs at design time,...

> I agree with you. But in project.assets.json (nuget), the warning NU1608 indicates which version was taken to be used (thru the field "targetGraphs"). Ops.... targetGraphs shows net version, not...

I've cloned this repo and build the master branch. Same error. I've created a test solution to reproduce the behavior [TestCyclone.zip](https://github.com/CycloneDX/cyclonedx-dotnet/files/13812314/TestCyclone.zip)