Raphaël Huchet

Results 40 issues of Raphaël Huchet

Is there a way to know what version is currently used (wasm/pure JS)? And is there a way to *choose* one version over another version?

Not sure if it's possible, but It failed when I tried to use both this component and a wysiwig editor (ex: https://alex-d.github.io/Trumbowyg/ or summernote)

Currently, there is an incompatible mix between prettier default and ESlint. We should rely only on ESlint, and run lint on all files. _Side note: I have to wait for...

It's easy to run automated tests thanks to Github actions. Using Postgres as a service in test workflow is easy too (I used it recently here: https://github.com/SocialGouv/mano/blob/main/.github/workflows/end-to-end-tests.yaml#L14-L23). Since this lib...


- Before : ~30k - add auto-suggest : ~60k - add browser compatibility : ~120k Should be optimized.

On SearchBox: > A component is changing an uncontrolled input of type text to be controlled. Input elements should not switch from uncontrolled to controlled (or vice versa). Decide between...


Hurg. https://github.com/betagouv/react-elasticsearch/blob/6605e538ff1c570925777aacd37146f98eca1700/src/Facet.js#L65 (this hack adds a value to an array without duplication)




Not sure it have to be included in lib though. It should be optional.


Question here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55808749/use-object-in-useeffect-2nd-param-without-having-to-stringify-it-to-json