Ran Mizrahi
Ran Mizrahi
Thanks for reporting! This is resolved with the new [quick starts](https://bit.dev/docs/quick-start/react).
Hey, Sorry for the late answer, I was on-board.. Actually and only thing I'm using is UTF8 with standard JSON.stringify, and I just tried it and could not reproduce, can...
Hey, Sorry for the late answer... I'm trying that with a simple node server and plays nicely... What web server do you use?
OK, can you please let me know what request module you've used after all?
You should try this https://github.com/brianmcd/contextify/wiki/Windows-Installation-Guide. Since currently (until the next upcoming release) Requestify is still dependent on jQuery (for XML responses parsing) which is dependent on requestify python 2.7 and...
Thanks for the input, just out of curiosity, what would you expect to get in return in such case?