Ranjith Hegde

Results 34 comments of Ranjith Hegde

> > I have been running the branch of the PR since it was created, have zero issues. > > Thank you! That is valuable to know. > > Why...

> "API resemblance" here means "it literally matches `nvim_create_user_command` ? This is questionable because: > > 1. `nvim_create_user_command` itself is probably over-specific and should have been named `nvim_create_command` (if ever...

> Looking closer, and reviewing #1838 , I see that a migration will be required anyway, because the command structure changed. > > I wonder if instead we should maintain...

> I don't see the advantage. The `nvim_create_user_command` call could just reference `require'lspconfig'.texlab.buf_build`. Many methods from this repo (chiefly `lspconfig/utils` like `vim.fs`) are already in core, along with the addition...

I have added a deprecation notice for commands as discussed. There is also an example in `lspconfig.txt` to set them up in `on_attach` function. Still not entirely sure this is...

I have been watching the lsp repo in question for almost a year now. The only feature that is implemented is diagnostics. No completion, hover, definition etc. Does not seem...

Yes, more spam (with instructions). Being able to use functions for parsing stdout is the main reason I switched from `emf-langserver` to null-ls. Here is a snippet on how to...

Thank you for taking an interest. (here from reddit conversation) This does work, but it adds some extra characters in the output For example this is the output I get...

Quick response, to your questions 1. Yes I am running `g++`, technically `Gnu Make` 2. this config I am using is `on_output_write_file`. `on_output_parse_errors` does not detect these as errors and...

Just tested this. For the above described use case, it works as I expected! Thank you. I will also test against other languages and update here