Ranjith Kumar Adha
Ranjith Kumar Adha
Facing same issue. @sparkacus did you find any workaround for this?
@SarahFrench i opened a PR to fix this https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/magic-modules/pull/6391. first PR, so not really sure on the workflow. Can you take a look?
> Thanks for your contribution! Please complete the third checkbox by adding this field to an example or (if that's not possible) to a handwritten test in the third_party folder...
@melinath i added an example, but unable to view failed test cases and logs. It says I don't have access to Google cloud bucket.
> okay, I see what's happening here: because this test creates a new project, the cloudservices default service account for that project doesn't have permissions on the service account running...
> okay, I see what's happening here: because this test creates a new project, the cloudservices default service account for that project doesn't have permissions on the service account running...