ranjith kumar

Results 8 issues of ranjith kumar

This is my data set having shape(208,3) there data column data start form 2015-12-25 to 2017-01-11 (having 14months of data ) This is the following settings i used. max_prediction_length =...

Thanks for your contributions i want to save weights [bert-extractive-summarizer] as pkl file ,and i want to use it for prediction for my text summarization may i know ,how to...

iam running a simple code to load using tflite model ,but it shows lite headers are not including ,i have checked in bazel in directory it has some of folders...

thanks for the contributions iam running fit-model-ceres code for creating of 4d face , while running the fit-model-ceres code in the model arguments ("../share/sfm_3448.bin "). but i did not seen...

![Screenshot from 2024-01-04 19-07-55](https://github.com/ppogg/YOLOv5-Lite/assets/85454586/dab4d49e-39de-4b9c-a64e-82edbfee8fe4) i have trained yolov5 lite model on custom data. i have tested using python inference script it is working fine. but when i convert into ncnn...

thanks for all the contributions for this project. why i know how to do transfer learning with yolov5 lite

Dear play_with_tflite Contributors, First and foremost, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude for your hard work in developing this library. It has been immensely beneficial to my learning...

after cmake.. command i used make command to compile ,but iam getting below errors [ 9%] Building CUDA object src/perception/common/onnx_models/onnx-tensorrt/CMakeFiles/nvonnxparser_plugin.dir/FancyActivation.cu.o /home/chiplogic/adas_c++_github/open-adas/src/perception/common/onnx_models/onnx-tensorrt/plugin.hpp(40): error: incomplete type is not allowed class Plugin :...