Goran Cabarkapa
Goran Cabarkapa
@tywalch We've encountered the same issue, just today, as the OP has posted about. Upon reading the documentation, we first thought that the `update()` was what we were looking for,...
@tywalch Thanks for such a rapid feedback 🥇 And also congratulations on the baby! :) Our `_created_at` is not a part of the composite, so that's one less constraint to...
@tywalch Hmm... just now tested the workaround, doesn't seem to have any effect. How we decided to solve this for the time being, is by doing an additional query, querying...
@tywalch Sorry, just now seeing that you've replied. Thanks for trying to help! 🙌🏻 Here's the model: ``` export const UserDataEntity = makeOnce( () => new Entity( { model: {...