
Results 22 comments of Robbie

@haccer if it resolves to an IP it's taken the only other way i know is to to use the Azure CLI as it requires auth to check if the...

Error handling needed for `/api/` ``` { "ok": false, "error": "invalid_auth" } ```

I am currently struggling with this as it creates random subdomains so far and i am not looking to upgrade to find out about the prod.

Hey, Thanks for this! Just tested it and had to add some slashes as go does not like part of the regex ``` awsurls = []string { "[a-zA-Z0-9-.]*\\/.{0,}\\/)*", "s3[.-](?:dualstack.)?(?:ap-southeast-|ap-northeast-|cn-north-|cn-northwest-|eu-central-|eu-west-|sa-east-)[1-3]\\/.{0,}\\/)*", }...

Fancy doing a PR request?

thank you for this!

Hi Dude, Ignore the 200 status it was part of my code but the problem i have is i need to set firefox / slimerjs to use a proxy (burp...

ah that might be why as i've tried to build in am3 with the image living in lon1. `Welcome to Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-121-generic x86_64)` OS `Python 3.8.10` Python...