Randall Packer
Randall Packer
In terms of software control, your switcher is connected to your computer via ethernet. The usb-c connection is for video, not for atem software and atemOSC control. If your ATEM...
Yes, either your computer needs to be connected directly to the switcher via ethernet cable, or more commonly, to an ethernet hub or router that is connected to both the...
I think that the problem is the MIDI slider is getting out of sync with the ATEM software. I believe it might make sense to either ONLY use the controller,...
I use Max MSP to control atemOSC, and when I control the Tbar, I automate an "auto" style transition, thus keeping ATEM and OSC in sync. I would figure out...
You need to use 0 for off and 1 for on. Give that a try... /atem/dsk/1/on-air 0 /atem/dsk/1/on-air 1
Greetings @high-solutions have been enjoying your posts. I am wondering if you are familiar with Max/MSP/Jitter from Cycling 74, which I use as a master control for all my interactions...
I want to ditto a big thanks to @SteffeyDev Peter's amazing work. ATEMOSC is at the very heart of my live Internet performance work and it wouldn't be possible without...
Everyone has their workflow and needs. I am a composer and multimedia artist and Max allows me to build musical processes into my performance work. I am triggering ATEM using...
Greetings Peter. So happy to see such significant new improvements!! I have been using Macros to control my three Hyperdecks from Max/MSP, but this is an incredibly laborious method, so...
That's great news! I have an M1 MacMini, let me know if you need any help testing.