
Results 6 issues of ranabanik

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/47092529/135924778-3244ac0b-70bc-4804-8f6a-8e393c2fdbf2.png) using this version of Tusk. Previously I could copy images and paste them inside the notes. Now I can't do that anymore. Any idea to debug? Or that feature...

I am using the package to perform denoising/smoothing as following: ``` def wavelet_denoising(x, wavelet='db8', level=2): coeff = pywt.wavedec(x, wavelet, mode="per") num_ = 1.0 den_ = 0.6745*3 sigma = (num_/den_) *...


Hello, How many patches did you create per image and how many epochs did you train? How did you maintain the high resolution and upsampled prediction concatenation? Did you reconstruct...

The model encoder has batch normalization enabled in 2D(`nn.BatchNorm2d`) instead it should be 3D?

running the code as following to fit 5 Lorentzian peaks. ``` xdata = pixelPeakData{p,1}'; ydata = pixelPeakData{p,2}'; % Fit = PeakFit(); Fit = PeakFit([xdata; ydata], ... 'Window', [-5, 5], ......

I have a different number of m/zs per pixel/spectrum(processed). How should I use this tool to homogenize all the spectra? Currently, I am binning and upsampling(summing all intensity in between...