Results 5 comments of Rana Ian

What's the level of interest in supporting CPU multi-threading? And, if the level of interest is low, would you be interested in providing a guide and overview of the effort...

Appears that [Flux]([Zygote]( currently supports CPU multi-threading. Though I much prefer Knet, I guess I will switch to Flux and borrow heavily from Knet. ```Julia using Pkg for p in...

Looking forward to a solution :grinning: Using [Test-specific dependencies in Julia 1.0 and 1.1]( in the mean time.

The DataFrame looks like ```julia trials = DataFrame( trial=Int32[], epch=Int64[], nn=NeuralNetwork[], nn2=NeuralNetwork[] ) ``` where NeuralNetwork is ```julia abstract type NeuralNetwork end abstract type RecurrentNetwork

> mock.MatchedBy(func(ctx context.Context) bool { return true}) This solved it for the time being