My code is like this currently, ```javascript // EXIF data var images = $('.thumb img').each(function(i) { var jpegmeta = new JpegMeta.JpegFile(atob(getBase64Image(this).replace(/^.*?,/, ''))); alert(jpegmeta.exif); }); function getBase64Image (img) { // Create...
Thanks for contributing, however, I do not understand the need for this. The menu already looks decent in all the devices.
Sorry to say but it would be hard for me to work on it now, I have few other tasks in the pipeline but if many are interested in this...
@eliteproxy7 You can raise a pull request on github.
okay will do the same :+1:
Currently, Jbot supports [Slack's RTM API](https://api.slack.com/rtm), Slash Commands and webhooks and I don't think RTM API has upload file capability. The [Slack web API](https://api.slack.com/methods/files.upload) do have.
You can write a `POST` call using the [files.upload](https://api.slack.com/methods/files.upload) Slack web API in `SlackService.java` and use it in your bot. If you add one on your fork then you can...
Yes, this is because JBot sends a ping-pong message to slack every few seconds. Read this: https://github.com/rampatra/jbot/issues/103#issuecomment-397816857 for more info.
Okay you mean after your connection resumes, your jbot starts responding to messages but on slack it shows "offline"? Or it doesn't even respond to messages after connection resumes?
Okay from all the info, this is what I think. - When you break the connection b/w the bot and slack then the socket connection closes after some time -...