Ramon Saraiva
Ramon Saraiva
So I guess I can also add this unique constraint as part of these changes?
Both are in theory major bumps, we should look into possible breaking changes.
@hongru ?
What names do your files have? Do they follow the same pattern? Seems like the regex is identifying a file with a month that is either < 1 or >...
Do we still want to bleach the message field? I believe it is only missing adding that unit test check, right?
@marksweb I added changes to the comments you've made here https://github.com/DjangoGirls/djangogirls/pull/834 - closing this draft.
I'll just add the unique constraint as part of it and then it should be ready to go.
@marksweb @amakarudze should be ready right now.
I'd need to check if the API has such endpoint, but I know that this client doesn't implement anything that gets a list of vehicles.