Ramon Medeiros
Ramon Medeiros
OpenSuse Leap 42.1 does not have javascript libraries on zypper repo. I did not found any of them.
See https://github.com/ramonmedeiros/wok/commit/acc6c015c7687b8f85544767ddad753aa19fd1cb/checks to check Github Actions
Tested with member and a admin. The admin got the same error
Hi Nerijus, could you please describe more the scenario. Did you run a bare metal or a VM? Before running, default network was already created?
Could you please post your networks xml.
Also put the output of brctl show
Hi, i reproduce this error on Fedora 19. I run two tests: 1) Fedora 19 x86 No default network No virbr0 bridge Results: default network created: worked fine 2) 1)...
Hi @nerijus, i proposed a solution at the mailing list: http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/kimchi-devel/2015-February/009777.html Tested here in my laptop. Everytime a virbr0 exists, the fix makes kimchi to create default network using virbr1...
Hi Nerijus, we are trying to fix the problem on libvirt. I will notify you if we have news
That would be cool!