Hi I tried to change this line of code in GooglePlayGamesPluginDependencies.xml form this ` Packages/com.google.play.games/Editor/m2repository` to this ` Assets/GooglePlayGames/com.google.play.games/Editor/m2repository` I hope this help you
Hi I tried to change this line of code in GooglePlayGamesPluginDependencies.xml form this ` Packages/com.google.play.games/Editor/m2repository` to this ` Assets/GooglePlayGames/com.google.play.games/Editor/m2repository` I hope this help you
Hi I tried to change this line of code in GooglePlayGamesPluginDependencies.xml form this ` Packages/com.google.play.games/Editor/m2repository` to this ` Assets/GooglePlayGames/com.google.play.games/Editor/m2repository` I hope this help you