Ramachandran M S
Ramachandran M S
There was an update y'day night and SWProxy is not working well with the new version. I am getting "Invalid format" on login. I tried to debug and the very...
What baffles me is that it is not even getting to the point of using the keys. That happens only on gateway_v2.php calls. This time it fails during the version_info_v2.php...
Great news thanks :) Edit: Still doesn't work for me. Same error "Unable to connect to the network"
I tried debugging and gave up. I think there is something fishy in the proxy code. So I am trying to port the code to use CherryProxy. I tried different...
@istern Yeah I am using iOS and running the proxy on mac. I managed to run the game over cherry proxy with some minimal hack to the original code (not...