Ralph Schaer

Results 15 comments of Ralph Schaer

Hi. You can already do that with `on`. "remind every day on 08:00 am" ``` schedule: { on: { hour: 8, minute: 0 } } ``` "remind every day on...

@Jannnnnn Don't see a way to do that with the current implementation. A `startTime` for `every` would solve that. Or if `on` would support a `day of week` property, like...

Can't reproduce. This is what I did ``` git clone https://github.com/ralscha/blog2019.git cd blog2019/ratelimit ./mvnw spring-boot:run ```

Hi. Unfortunately I don't have any experience with this kind of push and mobile apps. I always wrap my apps for mobile with Cordova or Capacitor and then I use...

Is it possible to add a new Feature in HibernateModule that overrides the writing of null and does not write the lazy associations?

I'm not the expert, but I think a window of at least 1 hour because of summer/winter time makes sense. Maybe 24 hours is also a good idea when somebody...

Thanks for the comprehensive answer. The implementations in the Windows browsers varies. Chrome does not download the nomodule bundle. Firefox 55 has nomodule support (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1330900) but still downloads both bundles....

The shim only works in Safari because `onbeforeload` is a proprietary feature.