Results 34 comments of Ralf Handl

Ok, finally got around to it: - created for v3.1.1 - created for v3.2.0 @darrelmiller please review. Thanks in advance!

This could be solved by adding the convention to OpenAPI 3.0 that the text node of an XML element is represented as a property whose name is the empty string:...

Any reserved property name that cannot be mistaken for an XML attribute name would do the trick, the empty name is just the shortest possible choice. Another obvious name would...

I assume Swagger / OpenAPI was primarily invented for describing APIs that use the JSON format, and I think it does a great job in that area. Unfortunately its JSON-Schema-based...

> go to settings inside the app, then to Storage Management, and see if the file is listed with a warning icon Yes, the moved files had a warning icon

@mike-lischke Directly calling Antlr without a `-Dlanguage=xxx` option, here ~~~sh java -jar path/to/antlr-4.9.2-complete.jar ./foo.g4 ~~~ correctly generates JavaScript output, and `JavaScript` is the correct language value, see Apparently this...

Ok, found it: setting the language to `null` suppresses the `-Dlanguage=xxx` option and lets Antlr take the grammar-specified language: ~~~json "antlr4.generation": { "mode": "external", "language": null, "outputDir": "parser" }, ~~~...

> You can just entirely remove the language setting from the options. Unfortunately not: in this case the extension seems to pass `-Dlanguage=Java` to Antlr. Only explicitly setting `"language": null`...

Which is kind of redundant because Antlr silently falls back to Java if neither the command line nor the grammar specifies a target language. It would be better if the...