Ralf Hielscher
Ralf Hielscher
The issue of suppressing the original annotation has been addressed. How to place RD and ND outside has already been described above. Ralf.
Hi Arne, thank you very much for this bug report. The command ```volume(r_mdf,mori,25*degree)``` indeed gives a wrong result. For your symmetry you can resolve the issue by changing in file...
Thank you for reporting. A demo data set would ne nice of course.
Hi Vivian, I do not really understand this commit. Isn't the condition `isprop(pos,'prop')` always satisfied? Have a nice weekend. Ralf.
Hi Filippe, some more years later I have included this feature into MTEX :) Thank you for your work. See ed0cb824de336f28579d514088d8a52e786fd030 Ralf
Hi Zach, is this still a big issue for you? I can confirm, that `ebsd.phase` has changed its shape from `M x N` to `MN x 1`. Unfortunately, I do...