Tomas Rakusan

Results 5 comments of Tomas Rakusan

Use [`e.repeat`]( That will be true on repeat firings of the event

Here is a simplified example ```js hotkeys('1', { keyup: true }, function(event, handler) { if (event.repeat) return const key = hotkeys.isPressed('1') console.log({ type: event.type, key }) }) ``` Result ```js...

I am using Mutter and I have found that `monitor->logical_width` is used before being set thereby causing `factor` and `width` in `dmenu_create_buffer` to be 0

At least for me (Mutter v42.0) the bug looks to stem from in `handle_global()` `panel->display_info.xdg_output_manager` never being anything other than 0

`panel->display_info.xdg_output_manager` is set in a later call to `handle_global` than monitors