Rakshit Gondwal
Rakshit Gondwal
Is this open for grabs?
Are you still working on this? @rootxrishabh If no, then I'd like to take this up.
Hey, @craigbox! I have finished preparing a design document for this issue. Please have a look over it [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/17LA23bb6fdiMKe9cysibVm5EizFWyKfWtd1D9FkoDaA/edit?usp=sharing).
I would like to work on this! @slashben
Hey @rawc0der! Where can I reach out to you?
@nitishchauhan0022 Oh yes, Actually I wanted to discuss this issue with the maintainers once in the community meeting (that would be this Tuesday) on how to continue with this, like...
Hey @fivenp!! I would like to work on this.
Hey @pxp928, I'd like to have a go at this!
Sure, thank you @pxp928
Hey @pxp928, Yes! I'd be happy to work on this.