Rakshit Gondwal
Rakshit Gondwal
Hey, I would like to solve this issue, can you tell me how should I start proceeding with this issue? I mean should I make a logo specifically for the...
What kind of changes do you want me to make to the logo? @pathange-s I was thinking to change the Neutralino written in black to white? Do you have any...
I would like to take upon this issue.
@Betree How should I proceed with this? Can you help me?
@Betree Do I need to know about backend before contributing to this? like node js and stuff because I haven't started learning back end yet.
but I'm not familiar with the npm commands @Betree would it be fine if I learn on the go and then contribute?
Okay! I'll keep that in mind.
@Betree Yes! I've made some changes and learning about the npm commands right now.
@scenaristeur Sure!