Rakinur Alam
Rakinur Alam
the JSON object must be str, not 'bytes' When I am trying to login, I get that error on the response. with response code of 500
on account settings controller, it wont let me access the settings page when I am logged in to an account ``` function activate() { var authenticatedAccount = Authentication.getAuthenticatedAccount(); var username...
It would be nice to see data load integration with this.
When I try to run the train.py it errors out. The detect and decect_oob_screenshot works. ``` (.env) PS C:\Users\guests\Desktop\scripts\osrs_yolov5> python train.py --data osrs.yaml --weights yolov5s.pt --batch-size 2 --epoch 200 C:\Users\guests\Desktop\scripts\osrs_yolov5\train.py...