Raghav Katyal
Raghav Katyal
Hi @waynebrantley! Thanks for reporting the issue. This is on our radar. Pull requests and +1s on the issue summary will help it move up the backlog.
Closing due to inactivity.
Closing due to inactivity.
Hi @waynebrantley and @akunzai! We definitely appreciate your contributions and will work on merging the changes on our end. I will appreciate if you can tag me once this is...
Hi! Based on internal discussions, we won't be considering these changes since we will look to upgrade to .Net 6 taking into account the .Net Core EOL. Apologies for the...
Hi @Sharparam, you can report bugs/feature requests to us through [Twilio SendGrid Support Help Center](https://support.sendgrid.com/).
Hello folks, sorry for the delayed response. The only possible fix would be changing the Carrier field back to the original Datatype. Unfortunately this would cause additional issues for the...
Hi @adamhoffstein, this is on our radar but not likely to arrive in the short term since this will be built on top of other features being worked on currently...