Rajiv M Ranganath

Results 9 comments of Rajiv M Ranganath

+1 for switching to ERT. I am looking to work through the koans once 2.0 update lands. If I can learn ERT along the way, that would be an added...

@jtmoulia I was wondering if you might be able to complete the 2.0 update during upcoming holidays? :-) Working on this has been on my todo list for a long...

> Add support for the SMT32Fxx DMA (required for USART) Are there plans for opentitan to support DMA peripheral? From what I can see from [here](https://docs.opentitan.org/hw/), there seems to be...

> I'm not sure what you mean about a stable `dma1::StreamClient` or `dma::DMAClient`. Unlike traits in [`kernel/src/hil`](https://github.com/tock/tock/tree/master/kernel/src/hil) traits, DMA trait in internal to the chip crate. So, it doesn't get...

> Besides, what scope of the code is actually guaranteed not to run in interrupt context? In Tock, almost all of the kernel code is guaranteed _not_ to run in...

Thanks @tommens and @AlexandreDecan for the feedback and the pointers.

@theory Can you gist the spec files in the meantime? That would be really helpful.

Thank you @theory. I am wondering if you have a SPEC file for sqitch package as well?

It is really awesome to see this PR! :-) I was wondering if you might be able to share your vision/roadmap around native Rust/CXX/Flow integration? Something that we are missing...