Rajesh Roy
Rajesh Roy
@dusty-nv - I have a question regarding the mobilenet ssd v2 parser for deepstream, it says that there should be a .uff file, but we don't have .uff file right?...
@dusty-nv - I have this issue on forum: https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/need-help-in-using-jetson-inference-ssd-v2-with-deepstream/210331 Can you check this or tag someone who can check this?
Noticed this error: `OPENMAX: HandleNewStreamFormat: 3605: Send OMX_EventPortSettingsChanged: nFrameWidt`
Is there a resolution to this? @dusty-nv
Hi @tulbureandreit , Can you share some more details on the hardware which you are using and which JP is it? Also, is the output image getting saved in your...
Hey @dusty-nv , I am on the latest origin and have checkout to nvmm-disabled. Still getting this error `Allocating new output: 1280x720 (x 16), ThumbnailMode = 0 OPENMAX: HandleNewStreamFormat: 3605:...
@Jai-GAY , are you asking for a MS Store App for QGroundControl?
Hi, @JackjackFan - how did you convert? I have a custom model Yolov5 5.0 and I am getting errors while running the code on my Jetson Xavier NX env ```...
Hi @i-tanova , Can you take a look at this issue? : https://github.com/udacimak/udacimak/issues/195
Hi, just use `npm install -g --force udacimak` This should help!