Update - If I retry couple of times then same comparison passes. Any idea why is the issue? I am using version 1.1.61 ?
MongoDB @Id not working for String identifier when upgrading from Spring boot 2.3 to Spring boot 2.6
I had to also use @JsonSerialize(using= ToStringSerializer.class) @id private ObjectId myId; because above field is serialized and the serialization was not converting to hex String. I am assuming below is...
MongoDB @Id not working for String identifier when upgrading from Spring boot 2.3 to Spring boot 2.6
hey, not much I can export to provide you as sample as I am on proprietary system. if you have any particular code ask then I can sample that.
MongoDB @Id not working for String identifier when upgrading from Spring boot 2.3 to Spring boot 2.6
Mapping context is manual because I want to read collection name from properties and cannot hardcode in my pojo. If there is any other way to do that, except MappingContext...