I also faced the same issue. When Grammarly is installed we get empty PDF. After uninstalling Grammarly extension it works fine. Looks like the issue persists with all the versions....
``` //content is the angular child elem reference (if not, use **document.** methods to access div or class) html2canvas(content,{ allowTaint:true, useCORS:true, scale:1 }).then(canvas=>{ // document.body.appendChild(canvas) var width = canvas.width; var...
Try to remove the Grammarly extension, jsPdf has some issues while generating the PDF when using Grammarly.
``` //content is the angular child elem reference (if not, use **document.** methods to access div or class) html2canvas(content,{ allowTaint:true, useCORS:true, scale:1 }).then(canvas=>{ // document.body.appendChild(canvas) var width = canvas.width; var...
@danielgutin thanks daniel, It's working for me but all the contents are present except images.
Try to remove the Grammarly extension, jsPdf has some issues while generating the PDF when using Grammarly.