Rajasegar Chandran

Results 72 comments of Rajasegar Chandran

@fengzilong Thanks for trying it out and reporting the issues. It's a bug I need to fix and yes formatting needs some work.

Can you give me an example for the ES6 export you were trying, have you tried changing the parser to babel or babylon? Fixed the module.exports and formatting

@chalu Thanks a lot for this PR, i think it greatly simplifies the AST querying , just had a look at [astq](https://github.com/rse/astq) repo, it is super cool. However, we need...

@yatki I think you can find the line and column number from the error message itself `Unexpected token (8:138)` means `138`th column in `8`th line. Will it suffice your requirements...

@dogoku Codemirror has lot of settings which ones you want to expose. Will theme, indentation rules and font size suffice? @fkling I can submit a PR if the feature request...

@FryeKai Did you take a look at the Math example here https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/blob/master/examples/math.html

@vindarel Yes, kind of, if @fukamachi doesn't have anything to add, we can close this issue.

Usually when we add new routes into the system, I would prefer to restart the server automatically with the new changes. This is a standard operating procedure in dev environments....

For me , removing the explicit focus handler for the textbox and setting the option `inputOnFocus: true` solves this issue.